Lillian “Lil” Elsa Stokes ~ Class of 1973
Departed ~ 8/30/2013 ~ Parkinsonism
LILLIAN E. STOKES (Age 58) Died peacefully with Parkinsonism on August 30, 2013, surrounded by family singing her favorite hymns and folksongs. Born in Morocco of US Foreign Service parents (William and Jadwiga), Lillian also lived in Tunisia and Thailand (ISB graduate) before her AB from Barry College, Miami. Lillian’s life experiences led her to a profound spiritual awakening which dynamically transformed her life and relationship with God. Lillian’s artistic flair was manifest in the music she made with guitar, flute and voice. She had a beautiful hand for calligraphy and for many years created hand-made, spiritually-themed notes and calendars for family and friends. This summer she won a national contest for a recent painting.
Professionally she was the graphic artist for A.T.Kearney’s large project to modernize the water and sewer systems of Egypt and later a senior data manager for the payroll firm ADP, which went far to accommodate her disease. In recent years she was greatly loved and cared for by staff and residents at the Kensington Park Retirement Community. She is survived by her parents and siblings (Helen Stokes Deaven, Anthony A.(Brenda), David W (Anne Squires)., Brian T.N., and Edward N. (Karen), plus a full score of adoring nieces and nephews. Her life will be celebrated with a Mass at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Georgetown, Saturday, September 14, 2013 at 11 a.m. (parking on street and Visitation school on 35th St. NW). Donations in lieu of flowers may be made to the Parkinson’s Foundation , which greatly helped Lillian for many years (PFNCA, 7700 Leesburg Pike, Suite 200, Falls Church VA 22043).
Please send pictures (old and new), anecdotes, articles, stories and tributes to isbeings at gmail dot com