Matthew Waddell ~ Class of 1983
Arrived ~ 3/8/1965
Departed ~ 11/9/2022

Matthew Waddell was born in Phoenix, AZ. on 03/08/1965 and passed on 11/09/2023. He is survived by his wife Sandee Preyachat Waddell, Mom, Merilyn Franz, brothers, Bill, Mark, and Jack Waddell, and a large extended family.
Matthew lived in Arizona until 1981 when he entered, International School Bangkok, due to his mom and stepdad becoming part of the ISB faculty. He was an early graduate in his Senior year returning to the States. However, his love for Thailand and travel had become part of his “free spirit.”
A large part of Matt’s life was spent “globe-hopping.” New Orleans, Louisiana became his home base until returning to Thailand. in 2013 where he met and married Sandee. They opened a beach restaurant in Krabi, Thailand.
Due to Covid, Matt and Sandee returned to the States. Sandee returned to Thailand to re-open their restaurant when Matthew was diagnosed with cancer. He was flying to visit Thailand before scheduled experimental surgery at UCSF Cancer Center; He died in flight. Matthew was put to sea in his beloved Thailand.

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