Horst Flotow ~ Class of 1979
Arrived ~ 1/2/1961
Departed ~ 12/18/2023

Lovingly posted by his wife, Sue Flotow
December 23, 2023
Goodbye to my darling Horst: 2 January 1961-19 December 2023
On Tuesday, we lost our beloved Horst as he moved on from this world after a 12 month valiant effort against a not so common cancer that manifested in a not so common place. Despite being told this was terminal from day one, my oft bloody-minded Horst refused to accept that this diagnosis was all there was. His determination to understand more than the physical, more about the metaphysical, our husband and father endured 10 months of non-stop chemotherapy to curtail the physical side of it, while he sought out all he could about the potential in the energy of this world.
With the primary cancer found in his oesophagus, and metastases into his liver, stomach and lung, he was restricted to such drastic treatment in an effort to eat, and of course, to have more time with us. Travel, however, was severely limited due to this esophageal blockage, despite hoping we could do so. We managed one trip in May: to Slovenia where he saw a Ural Owl, a first for him, and he was very happy. So was I. After four different types of chemicals and regimes being tried, nothing could halt the spread. Small-cell Neuro Endocrine Tumors are fast replicators and highly mobile. With so few cases occurring in the world, treatment options were always experimental. He stopped all treatment at the end of October. His decline, thereafter, was all too swift. How he endured 12 months of this colossal assault, I cannot tell you, other than his sheer bloody-mindedness.
Horst was an outlier, and I loved him dearly for it, even though it was not always easy. His love and respect for nature defined his life, and sometimes ours. The destruction of habitat for his beloved birds, animals big and small, caused him such a sadness. His career as a biologist and biochemist was to satisfy his intelligence and curiosity, the challenge to find novel medicines to help humankind in the future ignited his purpose. But his heart belonged to the jungles, forests and anywhere he could find the world’s fauna on this planet, where his first true love was found and remained.
Horst was a good man. An honest, kind, loyal and supportive man. He was also a funny man, a gentle and respectful man. It was my privilege to be by his side for over 38 years. Somehow, I have to go on without him by my side. Our dear daughters will help me, as I help them.
He lived a life in alignment with who he was. He was at peace, and full of gratitude for his life. These are intertwined and a lesson for us all.
To my friends around the world who have supported me over the last 12 months, I deeply thank you. There are only so many people one can share with regularly while caring for someone so ill. This message is for all of you who knew us, laughed with us, wondered at us, and experienced life with us. Thank you.
We’ll skip Christmas again this year. Nevertheless, I do wish you all a happy Christmas time with family and friends. Treasure them.
With love, Sue, Estella and Renata
This is Sabine Anderson his sister(Flotow)
I wanted to thank everyone for the kind words and condolences to the Post John shared for me. Horst and I loved going to ISB. He graduated in 79 and myself in 82. He loved the nature of Thailand and most of all his birds. He will be missed by my parents and I.
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