Kandace Cecilia “Kandy” Falk ~ Class of 1972

Kandy Falk ~ Class of 1972

Arrived ~ 3/15/1954

Departed ~ 8/10/2002

Kandace Cecilia Falk
Birth: 15 Mar 1954
Stuttgart, Stadtkreis Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Death: 10 Aug 2002 (aged 48)
Martinsburg, Berkeley County, West Virginia, USA
Burial: Flint Hill Cemetery
Oakton, Fairfax County, Virginia, USA
Section D Lot 246-4


My name is Mark Strong, a graduate of the class of ’69. I just felt compelled to add to the stories of Korliss and Kandy Falk. Our respective families knew each other before coming to Bangkok. We all lived in Okinawa. I could tell a dozen stories to let all know how great the Falks were. The ones that strike closest have to do with typhoons striking the island. The Falks were military and had well built housing. We were not, so it was up in the air (almost literally). They would invite us over to stay until the storms passed. I can say I saw trash cans and cars flying down the roads on more than one occasion. Us kids would go out and try to skateboard uphill. One time the wind really picked up speed and the girls couldn’t walk against it! I was the only short and fat enough to make any progress against it. Now remember this is ~56 years ago so I may be exaggerating my contribution.

Korliss and Kandy were both kind, fun loving, and considerate human beings and I feel honored to have been able to call them friends.

Please send pictures (old and new), anecdotes, articles, stories, and tributes to isbeings at gmail dot com or visit us on Facebook at ISBeings

Ted Bliss ~ Class of 1973

Ted Bliss ~ Class of 1973

Departed ~ 08/15/2002 ~ Brain cancer

Ted Bliss, Class of 73, died 08/15/02 of brain cancer. He was retired from the Marine Corps and is buried at Arlington.

Please send pictures (old and new), anecdotes, articles, stories and tributes to isbeings at gmail dot com