David Crompton ~ Class of 1970

David Robert Charles Crompton

Class of 1970
Departed ~ 5/23/1985 ~ Details unknown

From: k_raz at bigpond dot com
Date: Sun, Jun 11, 2017 at 6:59 PM
Subject: Dave Crompton
To: isbeings at gmail dot com

I came across your website today and would like to post a notification of my brothers passing. He & I both attended ISB Bangkok in 1969. Dave was part of the class of 1970. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Katrina Rasmussen nee Crompton

Please send pictures (old and new), anecdotes, articles, stories, and tributes to isbeings at gmail dot com or visit us on Facebook at ISBeings

Larry Peter Moore ~ Class of 1970

Larry Peter Moore ~ Class of 1970

Departed ~ 1979

Larry was in the military for a few years and when he got out he was planning on going to an institute for the study of photography. Then he came down with lymphoma he passed away in 1979. I believe he was 27 years old. So young. He had a beautiful voice for singing.

Scott Smith ’70

Please send pictures (old and new), anecdotes, articles, stories and tributes to isbeings at gmail dot com