Mrs. Mary Shea Novick ~ F-Faculty ~ 1964-1971

Mrs. Mary Shea Novick ~ F-Faculty ~ 1964-1971

Departed ~ 1976 ~ Heart Failure

Mrs. Novick was a first grade teacher at ISB from 1964-1971.

The picture above was taken while Mrs. Novick was the principal of ACS (American Community School Saigon.) The story goes that three guys climbed the water tower just off campus and wrote the message; “The Eyes of Novick are upon us.” There was a website with a picture of the tower named but I can no longer find it today.


Please send pictures (old and new), anecdotes, articles, stories and tributes to isbeings at

Chandra Gulati ~ Class of 1976

Chandra Gulati ~ Class of 1976

Departed ~ 1975-1976 School Year ~ Cancer

Please send pictures (old and new), anecdotes, articles, stories and tributes to isbeings at

Mr. Rambilas Miscer

Mr. Rambilas Miscer ~ 1964 ~ 1976

Departed 1975 – 1976 School Year ~ Details Unknown

Please send pictures (old and new), anecdotes, articles, stories and tributes to isbeings at gmail dot com

John Delahunty ~ Class of 1979

John Delahunty ~ Class of 1979

Departed ~ 7/11/1976

Injuries from an automobile accident.

ISB Swim Team ~ Circa ’72

Please send pictures (old and new), anecdotes, articles, stories, and tributes to isbeings at gmail dot com or visit us on Facebook at ISBeings