Ingrid Elaine Harrison ~ Class of 1974

1972 Erawan as a Sophomore

Ingrid Harrison ~ Class of 1974

Arrived ~ 3/1/1956

Departed ~ 10/14/1974

1971 Erawan as a Freshman

Lovingly submitted by her sister Heidi Harrison ’72

Hi Dave. I was wondering if I could add my sister to the memorial list. Ingrid Harrison was born on March 1, 1956 and died on Oct. 14, 1974. She would have graduated in 1974. She attended ISB from 1967-1972. Thank you for helping me do this. Heidi Harrison

Please send pictures (old and new), anecdotes, articles, stories, and tributes to isbeings at gmail dot com or visit us on Facebook at ISBeings

Curtis Curt Balek ~ Class of 1969

Curt Balek ~ Class of 1969

Departed ~ 11/1974



Departed 11/74~age death records ~ Details unknown

Curt was my friend from 1968. We played on the Junior Football team, and Curt was a serious stud, hard nosed and loved to hit. He had a great sense of humor and we had a lot of great times. As I remember he had a Howler Monkey for a pet. This monkey would put with us for a while (Curt trained him to catch a football) and when he tired of playing catch the monkey would start to howl and act wild. I remember it would scare me a little. Curt would laugh and say not to worry! But, I was always on edge when I was over at his house. We both lived on Soi 63 as I remember. We were always going to meet in South Lake Tahoe when we got back state side. It just didn’t happen. I have good memories of Curt.  (We were both members of the “Big 8”)

Brent Gardner