Amanda “Mandy” Addington ~ Class of 1994
Arrived ~ June 22, 1976
Departed ~ September 27, 2014

Shanna Addington Brandt wrote:

I held a party the other week and grief came.
She wasn’t invited but she came anyway – barged her way in through the door and settled down like she was here to stay.
And then she introduced me to the friends she’d brought with her – Anger. Fear. Frustration. Guilt. Hopelessness.
And they sang in the loudest voices, took up space in every corner of my room and spoke over anyone else that tried to talk.
They made it messy and loud and uncomfortable.
But finally, they left.
And long afterwards, when I was all alone,
I realised there was still someone here.
Quietly cleaning up after the rest.
I asked who she was and she told me, “Love.”
And I assumed that’s why she looked familiar – because I had met her before.
“Or perhaps,” she said, “it’s because I’ve been here the whole time.”
And I was confused then because I hadn’t seen her all evening.
But when I looked more closely,
when I looked into her eyes,
I realised quietly that she had been here.
All the time.
She’d just been dressed as grief.
Sometimes it helps to remember that underneath our grief, there is love. It was there before, it’s there now and it will still be there afterwards.
Love endures like nothing else can.
Scott M. wrote on Mar. 17, 2015
.. never really got to say goodbye, I wish I had been around more I always had fun with you around 🙂 .. even though your mom always thought we were tryin to “hook up” lol. I miss you sister
Donna Gonzales wrote on Sep. 28, 2014
I never got to meet Amanda but from everything I saw and heard about her she was a beautiful person. She will be sorely missed by many
Dianna Schoenrock wrote on Sep. 27, 2014 Mandy was one of my best friends when I lived in Thailand. She was always so full of life, full of laughter, and full of love. Oh, did we have so much fun in Bangkok together! And did we laugh! No one could ever be a better friend or confidante. The world has lost a beautiful soul, but heaven has gained a new one.
Tamara (Tammy) Sandoval wrote on Sep. 27, 2014
My heart is broken finding out this has happened to our Manda. My mind reflects on memories of her jokes that made me laugh as we were kids, her quick witted responses, and her beautiful smile. We all will meet again when God calls us. Rest in peace my cousin.
On behalf of the Jones, Brandt and Addington Family we thank you for your support and Love for our Beautiful Mandy.

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